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Building Successful Relationships


“Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.”


    Mattie Stepanek 


DePaul University is a private four-year Catholic university founded on

the Vincentian principles of community service. The Vincentian Identity

Mission Statement states, “[We seek] to empower students to promote

the inherent human dignity of all people, especially marginalized

communities, by educating students to cultivate relationships rooted in

service, faith, and justice.” As a result, DePaul offers service-learning

courses such as PHL 250: Philosophy and Social Change as an

introduction and engagement to community-based service learning,

disparities within marginalized communities, and community based

development. This class has worked hand in hand with F.A.I.T.H. Inc.,

through volunteerwork, creation of the F.A.I.T.H. Inc. website, and

reviving the community garden. DePaul University hopes to continue

this collaboration withF.A.I.T.H. Inc. through community-based

service learning courses. 






Thank you to The Steans Center's Monsignor John J. Egan Office of Urban Education and Community Partnerships which plays a central role in advancing DePaul faculty and student engagement with public agencies and community-based organizations and schools. 



Much gratitude goes out to Dr. Michael Bennett, former director of John J. Egan Office of Urban Education and Community Partnerships, for his good works, dedication, intellectual expertise and helping hand with this project.



And a BIG THANK YOU to John Zeigler, present director of Egan Office, for introducing us to Rev. Crawford and for his leadership, council and support.



Many thanks also to Sergio Elahi for bringing us altogether and for his never ending assistance, encouragement, and enthusiasm.

Get Involved!

Your contribution regardless how small will help F.A.I.T.H. Inc. provide their on-going servies to the community. 

Volunteer Opportunties 

Want to do a lot of good with a little of your time? There are multiples ways you can help in providing formely incarcerated individuals with resources to reintegrate into society. 

© 2015 by PHL 250 Class. Proudly created with

Faith Inc. 

5840 W. Chicago Avenue

Chicago, IL 60651

Phone number: 773-626-2429

Fax number: 773-626-2771

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